Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Looking for Information on these dolls...

As a special favor to ask of my followers, especially those that are miniature collectors. I recently purchased these teeny 1 1/2" dolls they are all bisque, fully jointed and they are all dressed in crocheted wedding costumes. If anybody can give me some background on them . I would really appreciate it!




  1. Hi Marta! I don't have a clue, but they are very sweet. I hope someone can give you some info about them.

  2. Dear Marta, this morning I was hanging around on ebay and I found this:


    I do not know whether it would be interesting for you, but the doll seems to me similar to yours.
    A warm hug, Flora

  3. I'm sorry I don't have any info to help you...but oh they're so beautiful! Really? 1 1/2 inches???

  4. Thank you all for your replies. Flora I checked out the doll on ebay, and it is a Hertwig. I found out that mine are from Carl Horn Nachf, a contemporary of Hertwig, from the same area. It would be great to find some background on them,I think they are just wonderful! I will do some research on Hertwig, and hopefully find some history on mine. Maybe a post...lol! Thank you all for your help!

  5. I have some of these dolls. I think they were made by Carl Horn.
